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Doctor On Time's Created Content

  • Doctor On Time's created content encompasses all the available material on the application through the Services, including without limitation, the logos, design, text, graphics, as well as the selection, arrangement and organization thereof. It also includes the names, logos, designs, and titles of Doctor On Time's products.
  • Moreover, Doctor On Time's created content covers all page headers, custom graphics, button icons, scripts, trademarks or trade dress of Doctor On Time. If you use such content, you must include appropriate attribution. All other trademarks, trade names and the like that appear on the application are the property of their respective owners. You shall not use any of these trademarks, trade dress, trade names, or any confusingly similar marks, dress or names, without a prior express written approval by Doctor On Time or the proprietorship thereof
  • You may choose to or we may invite you to submit comments, testimonials, feedback, suggestions, ideas, and other submissions about the Services, including without limitation about how to improve the Services or our products ('Ideas'). By submitting any Idea, you acknowledge that your disclosure is gratuitous, unsolicited and that will not place Doctor On Time under any fiduciary or other obligation related thereto, that Doctor On Time is free to disclose the Ideas on a non-confidential basis to anyone or otherwise use the Ideas without any additional compensation to you. Such disclosure, submission or offer of any Ideas shall, and hereby does, constitute towards Doctor On Time a perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, and irrevocable license, title and interest in all patent, copyright, trademark, and all other intellectual property and other rights whatsoever in and to the Ideas and a waiver of any claim based on moral rights, unfair competition, and any other legal base. You should not submit any Ideas to us if you do not wish to license such rights to us. You are and shall remain solely responsible for the content of any Ideas you make.